The UCSD/SIO LCheapo fleet can be used by any institution, subject of course to scheduling and availability. The following costs are based on a moored hydrophone or DPG configuration, and were correct as of Jan. 1st, 1998.

Fixed costs:

Radios and strobes (rented from MARFAC) $1/day each
Backup tapes $30 each
Anchors $65 each
Burnwires $40 each
Drop fee < one month $1000
Drop fee > one month $2000

Battery costs:

12-battery DD lithium pack is approximately $600 assuming power to be 4 DD per 328 W-Hr.

Deployment costs including fixed costs and battery costs:

 Sample Rate/Days 40 days 80 days 120 days 180 days 365 days
25 $1775 $2815 $2855 $3515 $4300
50 $1775 $2815 $2855 $3515 $4300
 75 $1775 $2815 $2855 $3515 $4300
125 $1775 $2815 $3455 $3515 $4900
250 $1775 $2815 $3455 $3515 --------------
 375 $1775 $3415 $3455 $4115 --------------
500 $1775 $3415 $3455 $3115 --------------
 1000 $1775 $3415 $4055 -------------- --------------
 2000 $2375 -------------- -------------- ------------- --------------

Personnel costs:

One man-week per instrument for pre-and post-cruise prep/maintenance is required. The table below shows personnel costs per week per number of instruments deployed.

 1 instr. 2 instr. 3 instr. 4 instr. 5 instr. 6 instr. 7 instr. 8 instr. 9 instr. 10 instr. 11 instr.  12 instr.
 $1440  $2880 $4320 $5760 $7200 $8640 $10,080 $11,520 $12,960 $14,400 $15,840 $17,280

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