Overview of the L-CHEAPO

The L-CHEAPO is a completely autonomous seafloor data logging system based on 2 decades of development at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. It incorporates a custom acoustic navigation and release system with a modern, high capacity digital data logger, and can be configured for a variety of scientific tasks. To date, these instruments have been used for passive seismology, active-source seismology, borehole seismometers/tiltmeters, magnetotelluric sounding, monitoring of whale vocalizations, and ocean acoustic studies.

Logging electronics reside in a 14.6 cm inside diameter 7075-T6 aluminum tube which is anodized and painted to resist corrosion by seawater and terminated by two end-caps sealed with O-rings. One endcap has ports to start the computer, purge damp air from the instrument, and to connect to the SCSI disk drive inside the instrument. The other endcap has high-pressure, underwater connectors for linking the sensors to the logger inputs. The entire system is capable of resisting water pressure to depths of 7,350 m.

The logger pressure case is supported in a polyethylene framework which protects the instrument from damage during handling and supports three to five glass flotation spheres, the acoustic release package, and sensors. The acoustic release unit serves both to locate the instrument underwater and to release the package from the seafloor at the end of the recording period.

During marine operation, a steel or concrete anchor is attached to the plastic frame by means of a release containing a short, nylon insulated, stainless steel wire (burn-wire). The insulation is cut to bare a 2 mm section of wire which, on receipt of the release command, is supplied with +18V from internal batteries in the acoustic release package. Within 5 to 10 minutes, this positive voltage causes the steel wire to electrolysize away, releasing the anchor from the instrument and allowing the positively buoyant package to float to the surface for recovery.

Instrument components:

Sensors - A variety of sensors can be connected via up to four 4-pin underwater bulkhead connectors, and even powered from within the L-CHEAPO. To date we have used hydrophones, the broadband pressure variometer developed by Chip Cox and Spahr Web (sometimes called DPGs or differential pressure gauges), DC or AC coupled electric dipoles, magnetometer coils, and bubble inclinometers.

Postamplifiers - An analogue card cage, which houses the analogue to digital converter (ADC), has provision for up to 5 amplifer, signal conditioning, or driver cards for sensors such as the DPG. Alias filters are switched by replacing an integrated 16-pin DIP module. We have a 2-channel AC-coupled, fixed gain postamplifier of relatively simple design, a gain-ranging amplifer for use with hydrophones, and very high gain (120 dB) amplifier for active-source EM studies or high-frequency magnetotelluric sounding.

Data logging system - The data logging system is controlled by Onsett Corporation's Tattletale 8 (TT8) microcomputer. We have equipped this device with 4 Mbytes of PCMCIA ram storage and developed a digital backplane that allows this computer to control the various timing, logging, storage and power switching operations required for low-power, autonomous data logging. The TT8 acquires data in RAM by controlling a 16 channel, 16 bit analog-digital converter (ADC) via a parallel interface port. Once the RAM buffer is filled, a small computer systems interface (SCSI) disk drive is switched on by sending a control signal to the power card, which provides the regulated 12 and 5 Volts required by the disk drives. Data are then transferred over the SCSI interface to the disk, and the disk powered down. Disk spinup and transfer of 2 Mbytes of
data takes less than 60 seconds. The entire logger, amplifiers, and sensor systems can be powered by means of rechargable NiCad batteries or lithium oxyhalide cells.

Clocks - Since all the seafloor instruments are autonomous, and beyond the reach of radio communication, accurate timing must be accomplished by on-board quartz clocks. The data logger is timed by a custom low-power oscillator built for SIO with a timing accuracy of about 1 part in 10^8. Phase locked loops provide all the frequencies required by the system, such as the 40 kHz CPU clock, the 2 kHz for the E-field chopper amplifier, the ADC clock, sample interrupts, and the software real time clock of the TT8. The on-board clocks are started using a GPS time standard, with initial timing accurate to 1-10 microseconds. After recovery, clocks are again checked against the GPS standard to estimate drift or error. Drift rates are typically 1 ms per day or so.

Logger mass storage - The data primarily reside on the SCSI disk drive in the logger, in a binary format of SIO standard. Since the logger disk drives are easily removable, instruments are turned around between deployments by swapping recently used disk drives with ones that have already been transcribed. If data volumes are modest (less than 500 Mbyte), instruments can be turned around even more quickly by reading the data through the encap SCSI port, without opening the pressure case. In shallow-water MT deployments, instruments can be routinely returned to the ocean within an hour of sending the release command.

Coming attractions - By the end of 1998 we expect to have implemented faster SCSI transfers, a hardware real-time clock, a larger memory board, a 4-channel 24-bit ADC, and GPS timing on land-based logging systems.

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